The first 'supergirl' of bollywood, none other than Kangana Ranaut celebrates her birthday today. She is currently doing Krissh sequel where she is the evil queen and a superhero. The role is one of a kind and Kangana is highly excited about the movie. She says she is already busy with three other projects and she is hardly finding a space to celebrate in midst of these shooting schedules.
“The role was very challenging because I had to exercise a lot to get in shape,” she says when asked her how the super girl experience was. She will be moving to the sets of 'Shootout at Wadala' soon, and she says she is busy completing the two movies simultaneously "The filming of Shootout At Wadala and Krrish 3 is going on simultaneously. So we start the Tanu Weds Manu sequel next year because I have to finish three other projects before that. There is one film with Viacom 18 and there is a suspense thriller with another production house," says the now 25 year old actress. She had already proved her talents in the industry and had also won the National Awards at this tender age.
Although she is open about the two movies that she is currently doing, she refuses to comment or mention on what she is working on after Krissh 3, “You know how they (the production houses) are. They have certain strategies in mind before launching new projects. And they really don’t want their actors to reveal anything,” she says.
When asked about her schedule and the two contrasting roles, as in Shootout at Wadala, she plays a common girl who is in intense love with gangster Manya, played by John Abraham. “She is a simple girl who works as a receptionist. Though it’s a very hard hitting action film revolving around three or four guys, my character has equal importance,” says Kangana.
Kangana is also keen on directing movies when the time comes right, she says she has many stories to portray and is waiting for the right time to start at it. “I will take up direction because I want to make stars and I have lots of stories to tell,” says the actor. “Right now, I am very young and want to act. I am waiting for the right time" adds the actor.
Happy Birthday Kangana and as always do your best!
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- Unknown Updated at: Saturday, March 24, 2012
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