Sonam Kapoor has opted out of Mani Ratnam's new Tamil film. The lead role for the movie was offered to Sonam Kapoor but she opted out the movie and now Samantha Ruth Prabhu has been finalized for the same.
A source said, “At this point in her career going Southwards for Sonam would give the wrong signal to the filmmakers in Bollywood. Mani had his heart set on Sonam since she suited the young innocent effervescent sophisticated girl’s role. He had to look for a last-minute replacement.”
Samantha is an Indian film actress and model who appears in Telugu and Tamil films. She was supposed to make her bollywood debut in "Ek Deewaana Tha" but the role went to Amy Jackson now she will be making her debut with Assi Nabey Poore Sau.
A source said, "Gautham wanted Samantha for the Hindi version of 'Vinaaithandi Vaaruvaaya'. Having failed in that endeavour, he is now in the process of completing 'Assi Nabey Poore Sau' as a Hindi launch vehicle for her." Samantha was introduced in movies by Gautham Menon in "Ye Maya Chesave".
The movie "Assi Nabey Poore Sau" will be directed by Gautham Menon. The film pairs Samantha with Aditya Roy Kapoor (who was seen in 'Guzaarish' and 'Action Replayy'). Gautham Menon said, "Both Sam and Aditya have to have to go through three age-transitions from 15 to 20 to 25. Their love story starts when they're six. Obviously Sam and Aditya couldn't play the six-year old pair. But the three other stages in the characters' lives have been pulled off effortlessly by the lead air."
The new movie is to launch Tamil actor Karthik's son Gautham.
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- Unknown Updated at: Wednesday, April 04, 2012
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