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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

RGV on Dutt - unprofessional and as unimaginably erratic

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As the movie 'Department' nose dives, it is as if the director was waiting for it to happen. He has now started to reveal the troubles he had while making the movie and how the actor Sanjay Dutt intervened the storyline of the movie and had forced him to make changes to the screenplay. Ram Gopal Varma had high hopes when he designed the movie 'Department' but unfortunately the movie failed terribly without even making a slightest of impacts on-screen. RGV still doesn't blame anyone but himself for the failure of the movie but feels that it wouldn't have been so if Sanjay Dutt wasn't casted in the movie!

"It is dangerous to start changing the content and screenplay midway through a film because it is so easy to lose your objectivity. So when they compelled me to do that by using various coercive forces halfway through the film since I was anyway stuck, I had a professional commitment to finish the film and had to wait until now." says RGV in rage. And he explains about the failure of the movie "I am not blaming anyone except myself. The biggest mistake I made was to go to an actor as unprofessional and as unimaginably erratic as Dutt."

It is also said that Sanjay Dutt forced RGV to drop off Kangana Ranaut from the movie and he says "Yes. Dharam told me Sanjay wanted Kangana to be dropped and since it's a predominantly male-dominated action film, I didn't want to make an issue. I also wish Sanjay Dutt realises what Dharam talks behind his back and for his sake, I hope he distances himself from Oberoi before it is too late." as the director takes on Dharam Oberoi, the producer for the movie. 

He words the interventions by Sanjay Dutt and co-producer Dharam Oberoi quite seriously and furiously "The problems were innumerable, ranging from Dutt's coming late to last-minute cancellation of shoots and schedules to erratically wanting to change the content of scenes in the name of creative discussions that are not to be confused with mindless interference. "

Dutt had trouble with Camera's I was using!

"Not only him, even Amitji and Rana had but when they saw the quality of the film, they were happy and they spoke about it in the media too. In fact, Amitji spoke about it as the future of cinema even after the release and the reviews. The problem wasn't about using the cameras but the way they were used in terms rapid panning, some unseen angles and some deliberately jerky moments. However, these were hardly eight to 10 shots in the film. Otherwise, usage of these cameras is prevalent the world over, including in the Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire." says RGV. 

About the Message sent to Abhishek Bachchan

Another news that was spreading was that RGV had sent out an SMS to Abhishek Bachchan blaming him as the cause for casting Sanjay Dutt, the sms wordings is said to be "You brought this disease into my life by recommending Sanjay Dutt". When asked by TOI, RGV says "No messages happened between Abhishek and me with regard to this but the truth is that when Abhishek was supposed to do Rana's role, it was he who convinced me about Dutt against my better judgement. Later on, he couldn't do the film and I was left with Dutt. So I definitely blame Abhishek for making me go through this though it was unintentional on his part."

RGV opens up on Aamir - and Clash between them

The tiff between RGV and Aamir Khan is famous and both haven't had the time to comment on each other, but it seems that the latest interventions has made him talk about the Aamir Khan issue with his movie 'Rangeela'. He says "Aamir and me had creative differences during Rangeela but I didn't pay heed to the mistakes he pointed out. Despite Rangeela becoming a blockbuster, when I saw the film much later, I felt I had gotten away with the mistakes that he had pointed out. I genuinely believe Rangeela would have been a bigger hit had I listened to Aamir. The difference being Aamir's suggestions and observations came from a long and intense deliberation on his part and not like Dutt who was blurting out without thinking, encouraged by the likes of Dharam who pander to him for their personal benefits."

About his lost focus comments.

A lot of the media is mentioning that RGV, who has always touched the subjects which are off-beat seems to be loosing focus on his movies. When TOI asked him whether this was the case he openly rubbished the comments by saying "Since everyone has a mouth, everyone will have an opinion. The people who work with me know how focused I am and so I would advise people who are not concerned with me to rather focus on themselves instead of focusing on my focus."

Furious as he can be. RGV still feels its bad outing with Department, we hope he recovers and get back to the movies he is known better for.

Updated at: Wednesday, May 23, 2012


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