Raaz 3 is the upcoming horror flick from the Bhatt's where they have casted their best of actors in - Emraan Hashmi, Bipasha Basu and Esha Gupta. The horror flick is a sequel to the Raaz franchisee. The Bhatt's had set the ceremony at midnight to create the same ambiance as the movie theme. The lead stars Bipasha and Emraan made an entry onstage amidst a small skit aimed at giving a glimpse of their characters in the film. Also present were director Vikram Bhatt and Mahesh and Mukesh Bhatt.
The movie talks about two actresses and their fight for reaching the top and how black magic acts in bringing down the fame of one actor and boosts the other. It also mentions the story of a director who is in midst of the two actresses. The trailers are already out and is trending at the moment (trailer here).
“Every artist is haunted by the fear which follows him. When he reaches stardom, he gets scared of losing it all. He wants to always be at that height. We are all prisoners of fame. Raaz 3 dares to touch this fear which entertainers live with,” said Bhatt giving an insight into the movie. Mahesh Bhatt had already stated in an article before how Bipasha’s character had similarities to her life and how she had broken down during the shooting of one scene. “Very few times do the actors cross the line between real and reel and when that happens you see such a breakdown.”
Bipasha also agreed to the facts and says "We all go through struggle but we choose not to show it. But it is important to address it at times and connect. This is why I agreed to do this character,” adding, “Initially on the sets of the film, I was lost because the scenes were so intense. I did not know how to reach the character. I haven’t allowed myself to feel this way ever. But I had to let it go and finally I did.” Bipasha is coming back to the Bhatt camp after a decade, the banner had launched her in 2003 with the movie Jism.
Emraan Hashmi who is having a dream run at the box office is extremely happy to be part of the project and says "I want all my films to do well. This film should have a bigger opening than ‘Jannat 2′ also,” he said. He was with his own charm at the ceremony.
The earlier movie of Raaz franchisee had brought in quite a good count of criticism. The movie had starred Adhyayan Suman, son of Shekhar Suman - a famous host and an actor. The movie was marked as a hit but Adhyayan was never given the credit for it and following this event, Shekhar Suman had commented that it was a wrong decision on his part to launch his son with the Bhatt's. When this question was put up on the occasion, Mukesh Bhatt says "Only a spastic like Shekhar Suman can say something like that. His son has only one successful film which is ‘Raaz 2 and if his father wants to take even that away from his son then we cannot do anything about it."
Mahesh Bhatt on the other hand was tad mild on the approach and reminded media to avoid such questions on this platform! "I don’t think we should use this platform to hurl abuses at each other. We should not create conflicts. He is my colleague, I have respect for him. If he chooses to disrespect me that is his privilege, but as an elder, I will not allow anyone to disrespect Shekhar or Adhyayan. They are a part of this journey and if they have bitterness with us, we will sort it out."
Raaz 3 is set to release on September 7.
The song - Deewana Kar Raha Hai (boring...!!) is said to be copied out from Ana law azeto (If i had hurt her) by Egyptian singer Mohamed Hamaki. If you are copying something copy one which drives the audience crazy - learn from Pritam! (hear Ana Law Azeto here )
- Unknown Updated at: Monday, August 06, 2012
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