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Monday, July 25, 2011

Bipasha Reacts to John

In :

Break up ke Baad - Bipasha!

No this is not the movie of Imraan Khan that Bipasha talks about, she was reacting to the latest news about her relationship and John Abraham's comments(more). She was surprised that all out of blue the news was on her relationship and John, was ranting about this!

On twitter, the actor mentioned that :

Waking upto stories about my life everyday is no fun!Making me sound tragic when I am in a happy place is not ok with me!

 surely this explains how she feels about the latest news on her relationships with John

and the breakup stories. This was in light of John's Rant in the famous show, Simi Garewal show, where John mentioned that he missed her a lot in his life and wanted her back. She continued on twitter that:

Wht happens between 2 ppl is supposed 2 stay between d 2 when its over,that's d dignity that I have grown up with and the respect I deserve.

John's side was too light it seems as he mentioned how good she was but it seems Bipasha doesn't take this lightly at all. She has tweeted the above line mentioning the act, and it seems she was furious and within another few minutes added the quote:

I dn't need to be on a talk show 2 prove my goodness!My relationship with John Abraham is over fr good,fr reasons knwn best to d both of us.

which explains how she felt about John going public on this! We find this extremely cruel on the part as John never mentioned it was a great decision. But Bipasha seems to be supporting her breakup!

She finishes her rage with the final comment as:

My break up happened almost a year ago!Why r these stories coming up now? Is it a pr exercise for a film or overimaginative journalism?

which explains how she wish to avoid any further speculations on this relationship. We are sure she is serious when she type in these words on a online platform, although twitter posts can be deleted, it might already have spread towards John now!

So now back to John, I am sure John is trying his best to patch this up, but it is Bipasha who opts out!

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Updated at: Monday, July 25, 2011


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